Nov 15 Nov 15 Best restaurants Reykjavik, Iceland COCO Food Editor Eat Iceland is leading the way in environmental, sustainable and social investment. Its less well known for its food scene. But thing’s are changing! Here are our top restaurants in Reykjavik! MATUR OG DRYKKUR Best “Avant-Garde” SNAPS BISTRO Best “Catching up with friends” PERLAN Best “Unique Location” DILL Best “Michelin Star Service” OSTABUDIN Best “Eat-in & Take-out” GEIRI SMART Best “Vibrancy” FISKMARKADURINN Best “Sushi” KOLABRAUTIN Best “VIEWS” NOSTRA Best for “Pescatarians” APOTEK Best “Cocktails with dinner” GRILLID Best “In-Hotel Restaurant” SKELFISKlMARKADURINN Best “Brunch” THE LOBSTERHOUSE Best “French Inspired Cuisine” FOOD CELLAR Best “Live Music” GRILLMARKADURINN Best “Meat” SJAVARGRILLID Best “Simple ingredients” LAEKJARBREKKA Best “Historical location”